Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cabin #3...Tok, Alaska 1985

Here's my bike parked in front of my little log cabin. The place is not very big, but it had a bed and I was able to shower at this site as well. I had been up for a long, long time driving and covering a many, many miles in the last 24 hours. I could drive all day and all night as it did not really get dark then. I was on my bike constantly traveling thru forest and mountains. There were many lakes and rivers along the way and the temperatures were also quite cool even tho I was wearing snowmobile outerwear.
The highways I traveled were not the concrete roads we think of here in the states. The roads were of gravel and just dirt. Often times they were rather muddy and similar to riding on an old washboard. It was difficult to travel above 35-40 MPH much of the time because of the vibration. The were many potholes along the way. You'll notice that at this time I have no windshield. It had snapped off on the Top of the World highway between Dawson City, Yukon and Tok, Alaska. I was so tired on my bike by this time that I started to doze off momentarily coming around a mountain when I hit a pothole. It was quite a jolt to the bike and now the cold wind was hitting me straight on. Fortunately Tok was only about 12 miles away. When I found this little cabin I was so relieved as I was truly exhausted.
You will notice a spare tire on the back portion of the bike. It would come in handy latter as these roads really ate up the tires. When I arrived in Fairbanks a few days later I would pick up a new windshield. That was a must.
(click on image to enlarge)
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